Window Coverings: Preventing Solarization, Ventilation and Bug Screens

YouTube Video click photo above ☝️

Windows can turn your vehicle into an oven. These are my strategies for preventing solarization, providing ventilation and keeping bugs out my Prius while car camping.

Items I use in my Prius

Rain Guards

I began searching for Window Rain Gaurds to be able to ventilate my Prius both while driving in rain and while sleeping in the vehicle.

I read many reviews and was a bit discouraged because I didn't want them to fly off going down the road because the 3m tape wasn't strong enough and I didnt want the in channel style. I found the WellVisors "stick AND clip" version and decided they would meet my needs.

I watched a very good YouTube video for installation instructions and it went perfectly.

Two suggestions: First, be sure to thoroughly clean the area you will be applying them to. A single swipe with the alchohol wipe is NOT enough. Clean it until the cloth isn't picking up any more dirt.
Second, if you decide on the clip style, some clicked right away and others I needed to work at repeatedly. I think it was that I had not properly aligned them and that my hands started wearing out. I have some dexterity issues so I'm sure that was the problem.

The Rain Gaurds allow me to leave the windows cracked for ventilation without anyone being able to see. They also provided some shade from the sun when driving. 

Shade Sox

I use the Shade Sox to provide rear seat shade for the pups while driving. I also use them when parked for bug free cross ventilation. At night, when we are I. "sleep mode" I can leave the window cracked for ventilation to prevent moisture build up from breathing. They keep bugs out and the Rain Gaurds prevent anyone from seeing the cracked windows and stop nighttime showers from getting in.

Windshield Cover

I picked up an exterior Windshield Reflective cover for under $10. It has magnets, elastic loops for the mirrors and tabs that close in the doors to keep it in place. This stops the heat from getting in and folds up nice and compact when not in use. I may look for a similar item for the hatch at some point. 
My only complaint with this item is the amount of light that leaks in through all of the stitching. Putting up my reflectix windshield cover inside eliminates this issue so I am still very happy with this product.


I cut Reflectix to fit every window. There are many videos on how to do this as well as opinions on how well it works. I can tell you that it makes a substantial difference for me. I leave the hatch cover on all the time. It is taped with black Gorilla Tape to stay in place. The small rear window, the backup camera and side mirrors allow me to see while driving or backing up.

I store the door window covers on the retractable trunk cover while driving. I quickly put them all in while parked.
I made pillowcase style covers out of no pull fleece that are black to the outside and white on the inside for sleep mode. The black fleece makes them super stealth!! I waited for a 70% off sale at JoAnne Fabrics. I used 2 yards each of the black and white.
I have a large piece of reflectix cut for the windshield but I have to prop it because it sags from being so large. There are any number of other options for the windshield so do what works for you 😎👍.

When I am in the car relaxing or sleeping with the Prius climate control on, the reflectix makes an enormous difference in how often the gas engine needs to kick on. I am all about saving on fuel and staying cool.

In the video I mentioned running my 12v fridge so I am including the Amazon link below if you want to check it out. I keep it behind the driver's seat. I will do a video on the fridge soon.

Alpicool 12 v Refrigerator

(These are Amazon Affiliate links. I may make a small commission at no cost to you.)

My #1 concern for car camping with my pups
is the temperature in the vehicle.
The #1 piece of equipment that makes this possible for me is my Prius.
The Prius is a generator with climate control.
When it is in ready mode the air conditioning can run continuously.
The air runs off the 12v battery. The Prius monitors the 12v battery level.
The hybrid battery keeps the 12v charged and when the hybrid battery
gets low, the gas engine kicks on for a minute to recharge it.
This keeps a constant comfortable temperature inside the vehicle.
Covering the windows helps the Prius work more efficiently.
I can even leave the car in ready mode, lock it and walk away
with the key and the car will continue to run as needed.
This is also a perfect feature for my 12v refrigerator
to have a constant power supply.

Follow our adventures 😎👍





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